Friends of Johnshaven School
Following an interim AGM held on 3rd December 2018, office bearers for 2018-2019 are named below :-
Chairperson – Nicholas Woollacott
Vice Chairperson – Katy Striplin
Secretary – Karen Bulman
Treasurer – Susan Woollacott
The Scottish schools (Parental Involvement) act 2006 gives parents the right to receive information about their children’s education and to be represented and have their views expressed through the Parent Council.
The main functions of the group are to
- Support the school in its work with pupils and parents
- Represent the views of parents
- Promote contact and communication between the school, parents, pupils, the community and other providers
- Report to the Parent Forum (at Johnshaven this means all parents).
- Regular updates on our Facebook page include details of fundraisers, meetings etc.
For further information about FOJS, please contact any of the office bearers or Johnshaven School.
F.O.J.S meets once per term and has its AGM in June of each year.