Staged Procedure for Supporting Learners

The purpose of this information is to share with all parents and carers the procedures we have here at Johnshaven in order to support all pupils. 


All learners need support to help them learn. Through good quality teaching and a suitable curriculum, most are able to make progress without the need for any additional support. However, some children and young people will require support which is different from what is normally provided in the classroom. In other words, they need additional support. The following are some examples of situations which may mean that a child needs some additional support in school. These examples are only a guide because every child is different and it is not possible to list all of the reasons why additional support might be needed. Circumstances which disrupt one pupil’s learning may have little or no effect on the learning of another. One child’s additional support needs could last for just a few weeks while another’s may last for years.


Factors which might mean additional support is needed could include:-




What is Staged Intervention?

A Staged Intervention process is used in Johnshaven School to identify and meet the needs of children and young people who need additional support of any kind. The system is based on:







There are 4 stages of Staged Intervention at Johnshaven School and children and young people are placed according to how much their needs impact on their learning.

Children and young people can move easily between stages. Anyone, including parents/carers, can ask for the Staged Intervention process to start and, in some cases, for specific assessments to be carried out.




A Guide to Staged Intervention


The four stages of Staged Intervention are:


Stage 1


Stage 1


All pupils have their educational needs identified and met in the classroom by their teacher. Pupils and parents are involved in this process all the time and it is the everyday business of the school. The majority of children will not move beyond this stage.Our class teachers are able to support your child in mainstream class through differentiation of activity or in class support.  The Class teacher will track progress through his/her forward plan and identify groups with differentiated spelling, reading, etc. Pupils are grouped in order to maximize teaching time and your child will be aware of reading/spelling/maths group that they belong to.  However some areas of the curriculum are taught as whole class lessons and pupils are supported according to need.  The important point to note is that all pupils start out on Stage 1 and this means that their needs can be met in their mainstream classroom.


Stage 2


At stage 2 the Class Teacher identifies an area/areas of need and completes a referral form and submits it to the Head Teacher who has responsibility for co-ordinating all Additional Support for Learning.  On the form there is the opportunity for the class teacher to identify any areas of need and also note strategies already tried. The forms will then be discussed with the class teacher, Mrs. Johnstone and any other member of the ASL Team.  (Our ASL team are in school on a Monday and Thursday)

At stage 2 ASL Staff will become involved through allocation of resources, time, and/or advice in order to support the child.  This would normally be through Support for Learning and pupils may be supported in class or taught as a small group for a short timetabled slot during their school week.  They may also be supported by a PSA through reinforcement tasks to develop their skills according to need.   At this stage ASPECTS may also be accessed or further assessments may be undertaken by ASN Staff.  ASPECTS are a part of Aberdeenshire Council that provide support for children through technology and equipment that can be used to support a pupil to access the curriculum.

At stage two Additional Support for Learning staff may also undertake some assessments that will build up a picture of strengths and areas for development to plan for accordingly.  No assessments or applications would be carried out/submitted without your prior knowledge.

Should it be decided that your child would benefit from support at Stage2, you will receive a letter detailing how we intend to meet their needs.  Support may be short term or last over a longer period of time according to need.  Mrs. Sasaki and Mrs Birrel, our Additional Support for Learning Teachers timetables themselves to support pupils within their classroom or in a small group/individual setting and they also team teaches alongside mainstream class teachers.


Pupil progress will be regularly reviewed through meetings between class teachers and ASL Staff.


It is important to note that results from any assessments undertaken will be shared with you by letter offering you the opportunity to discuss as required.


At stage 2 an Individual Educational Plan (IEP) may be created for your child if it is deemed necessary. An IEP is an educational planning document which describes the nature of a pupil’s additional support needs and identifies the type of support which is required and the strategies which could be used. The IEP sets out targets to meet the pupil’s needs. Parents and pupils have the opportunity to contribute to the IEP.  This document is reviewed at least once every year.

(An example of what  IEP’s at Johnshaven is included at the end of this file in Appendix 1.)


As with all pupils at Stage 1 and 2 assessments are continually being made and staff continue to plan to meet pupils needs accordingly.


Overall at Stage 2 the pupil is supported using all the resources that are available within the school environment.  Needs are assessed, planned for and evaluated accordingly.


Stage 3


If the support provided by Stage 2 intervention is not sufficient, the pupil will move to Stage 3 in the process.  At this stage the class teacher, ASN Staff and SMT meet to discuss a child’s needs and plan support strategies. At this point an initial informal consultation with Educational Psychology Service may take place. – Any resources, tasks or assessments to be completed will be recorded and arrangements will be made between HT and staff to review progress.  At this time a stage 3 form will be submitted to educational psychology service.  Permission will be sought from parents/carers prior to any consultation with the educational psychology service. Parents/Carers will always be invited to a follow up meeting to discuss your child’s strengths and identify and areas for development following any observation/assessment work carried out by our Educational Psychologist. The meeting will discuss your child’s strengths and also identify any areas for development.  Should it be required other partner agencies such as the School Nurse, Occupational Therapy (OT), Speech And Language Therapy (SALT) or Social work Service may be invited to the meeting to provide advice.


Parents/Carers may also approach the Head Teacher to discuss the involvement of the Educational Psychology Service should they have concerns regarding their child’s needs.


At stage 3 an Individual Educational Plan (as detailed at Stage 2) would be completed for the child.


For any pupil at Stage 3 with involvement of the Educational Psychology Service regular review meetings will be held to which parents/carers will be invited.  This is to ensure that we continue to review progress made and identify next steps. Therefore we are ensuring that we continue to plan to meet individual needs.


It is important to note here that Pupils may be at Stage 2 or 3 and as a result of interventions/time may move back to stage 1 or onto another stage. Simply because a pupil has reached a stage does not mean that this is where they remain in the process.



Stage 4


At stage 4 School staff involve other professionals in helping support a child.  Educational psychology service will be involved at full consultation level and a meeting will be held with all personnel most concerned in order to explore areas of difficulty and generate actions and strategies.  Outcomes are recorded and distributed to those present at the meeting.  Arrangements will also be made to review progress.


At this stage other provisions such as outreach/admission to an Enhanced Provision (at present Mill O Forest) may be sought.  Also according to need it may be that pupil requires a higher level of support than the staff here at Johnshaven can offer.  A Special Needs School placement may be sought at Carronhill School in Stonehaven.  Other agencies may also be employed to support a pupil such as Social work or Health agencies such as:



Pupil Support Service provide targeted support in the form of staff/resources to meet social, emotional and behavioural needs.


At stage 4 an IEP will certainly exist and for some pupils they may need to progress onto further support and legal documentation to support their needs.


A very small number of pupils (probably less than one per cent of the school population) require a Co-ordinated Support Plan (CSP) to organise their support.

A pupil requires a CSP to manage the provision of additional support if:

This level of support need is sometimes referred to as “having enduring, complex or multiple barriers to learning which require a range of additional support from different services”. Another measure often used when professionals discuss opening a CSP is whether the support provided by partner agencies is “direct, continuing and substantial.

At stage 4 regular reviews will be carried out to identify progress made and identify next steps in learning.


For children who are at stage 4 in Primary Six, review meetings will involve consideration of Secondary Education.  Staff from the local Academy will be invited to review meetings in order to begin to consider transitions to Secondary School.  It may be that the local Academy will be able to support the child accordingly.  It may also be decided that additional support is required and an application can be made to the authority regarding a placement at a school that offers a greater provision of support to meet individual needs.


At stage 4 Parents/professional views will always be sought and considered prior to any application being made.  All ASN admsissions applications will be completed by the HT who will ensure all relevant information is documented.



Educational Psychology Service at Johnshaven School


Each school in Aberdeenshire Council has an allocation of an Educational Psychologist to support the school on both an informal and formal basis.  Johnshaven School shares an Educational Psychologist with all of the other schools in the Stonehaven Cluster. Therefore children will not be observed or assessed immediately.  The Educational Psychologist will timetable in advance and prioritise accordingly.  All pupils in Stage 3 and 4 will have regular reviews involving the psychologist.  As you will have read the processes from referral to assessment/consultations will take time to complete. Patience and support is greatly appreciated during this important time. 


Admissions to a higher degree of support

It is important to note that Pupils do not automatically gain access to a higher provision of support at Stage 4. Applications need to be made to the Education Authority who will discuss each individual case at set points in the school Calendar.   Parents/pupils/teaching staff and any other agency involved will have the opportunity to contribute their thoughts to the admissions process. The HT will attend a meeting with professionals to discuss need and a decision will be taken by the authority regarding level of support offered.  Following this meeting parents/carers will receive a letter detailing the offer of provision being made from the authority.

Overall we hope you find this information useful regarding the procedures we employ here at Johnshaven School to support pupils.  It is difficult to provide concise information that gives enough detail. The main priority is that we continue to work towards meeting needs and staff are committed to providing the best possible education in order for each child to reach their potential.  Should you have any queries or comments regarding procedures noted please do not hesitate to contact the school.

Also should you have any queries/concerns regarding your child’s progress please arrange an appointment with your child’s teacher to discuss these. Should a teacher have concerns regarding a child he/she will contact with you.  As always should you deem it necessary you can contact myself as Head Teacher to discuss any concerns you may have. Partnership working between school and home is essential if we are to meet the needs of all the children in our care.


Karen Johnstone & ASL Team